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Stop Pressure Washing to Eliminate Health and Safety Risks

Pressure washing of dirty equipment creates contaminated aerosols which are a major health risk to your staff. Equipment washers such as the AquaPhase and RehaWash use chemicals that are formulated to remove difficult soils. They wash equipment within a contained chamber, eliminating aerosols that can cause health issues.

There are many other benefits of equipment washers in comparison to pressure washing.


Cost Savings

  • Equipment washers use a measured amount of water which reduces water wastage
  • They clean and rinse under low pressure, increasing the lifespan of equipment by reducing damage caused to bolts and bearings
  • Minimal PPE required in comparison to the facial/body/breathing apparatus needed to protect staff from harmful aerosols when pressure washing

Improved Efficiency

  • Equipment washers free up staff time to focus on priorities and other tasks
  • Faster cleaning with multiple nozzles means more equipment can be cleaned in a day
  • Automated operation takes away guess work which means the results are repeatable every time

Health and Safety

  • Waste from equipment washers is plumbed directly into the foul drain instead of being in the open
  • Reduced risk of falls as there is no water on the floor
  • Automated operation of machines stops human intervention, reducing the risk of crosscontamination

Contact us to discuss how we can help you improve your service on 01179 666 761 or email


Stop Pressure Washing to Eliminate Health and Safety Risks

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