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We're in the process of clearing out our stock of Leggero Buggies and are selling to both retailers and private individuals.
The buggies are designed to fit the child precisely. They allow for seat depth, hip angle, and seat to back angle adjustments as well as the height of arm and foot supports alterations, to suit children of different shapes and sizes.
Leggero Buggies are available with comfortable seat and back cushions that come as standard. They also come with head supports and a canopy hood for sun protection.
Their light weight makes them easy to handle and fold easily into a compact shape. Leggero Buggies have height-adjustable push handles, and the rear wheels of the buggies can be removed and are available with foot-operated wheel locks.
If you're interested in learning more about the End of Line Clearance, you're welcome to contact our Business Development Managers Lawrence Benton on lawrence@beshealthcare.net or Colin McKinney on colin@beshealthcare.net.
Alternatively, you can call our Customer Service team on 0117 966 6761 or email info@beshealthcare.net