Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besrehab.net to speak to our specialist team
BES offers training programmes on clinical information, solutions on head to toe positioning, tips and techniques for mounting wheelchair accessories, and much more.
This year, at BES we are offering training on alternative drive controls, head array systems, and head to toe assessment tools, etc. Our team can come to your facility to carry out the training so that you do not need to travel elsewhere.
Our training programmes include clinical information, tip and techniques, and practical sessions.
Our current courses are on Alternative Drive Controls, Pressure Care, Measurement, Positioning, and Assessment. You do not need to travel or come to us: in fact we will come to you, to your service, and your team, to deliver the training. Training sessions can be a great opportunity to interact with colleagues, share experiences, and learn from each other.
View our Training Plan here.
For more information on Alternative Drive Controls please contact BES Rehab Ltd on info@besrehab.net or 01179 666 761