Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besrehab.net to speak to our specialist team
Dear Customer,
We have all come a long way since lockdown at the end of March, and a lot has changed during this period. Despite all the uncertainties, BES Healthcare Ltd has been fully operational, supporting our customers and our employees. We have had excellent support and continuous service from our suppliers which has also allowed us to continue to offer great service levels. The health and safety of all our customers, employees, and families is of paramount importance to us.
We want to reassure you that we have taken all the necessary steps to keep you and your clients safe as we move into the next phase of the ‘new normal’. Bearing this in mind, we have geared ourselves up as follows.
Virtual Assessments and Demos
Our sales team is fully geared up to carry out remote Virtual Assessments and Demos through Skype, MS Teams, or other electronic media. We also have staff in the office to support with any queries. We are building a platform of videos and FAQs which will give you more information on products we offer, and help with basic queries.
If you would like to register to receive a link to this new platform, please click here
PPE & Face to Face Assessments
We have conducted a thorough risk assessment process and put together a comprehensive PPE policy, in accordance with government guidelines, for our staff, and for customer appointments. If a virtual appointment is not appropriate, we will carry out face to face appointments where required. A pre-visit questionnaire will be completed and every visit will be considered individually to ensure the safest possible approach. Our team will wear single use disposable face masks, aprons, and gloves as recommended by the government, and maintain 2 metre distancing where possible. PPE used in an assessment will be disposed of in red bags as recommended by current guidelines. The team will use hand sanitisers regularly. We also appreciate that most of our users needing equipment are vulnerable and/or children and, where masks cannot be worn, our team will wear disposable full-face visors. We will also be using disinfection wipes that adhere to guidelines, where necessary, to disinfect surfaces of equipment. Spare covers for items of equipment that require covers that cannot be covered by disposable isolation bags will be used during assessments to ensure equipment is free from infection.
Warehouse equipment and returns
All our equipment shipped out to you will now come with a label that has a ‘packed on’ date which gives you the option to isolate equipment for 72 hours from the packed date, protecting against possible infection on the surface.
Any returns into our warehouse will be isolated for 72 hours before inspection, and PPE such as facemasks and gloves will be worn during inspection.
Our offices
Within our offices we have completed a full risk assessment and made a number of changes to enable our staff to continue to work safely, whilst maintaining social distancing. Wherever possible, our teams will be working from home and technology is being used widely to allow us all to stay connected.
We are monitoring the guidance on an ongoing basis to ensure that we continue to offer the safest and most effective way of working, and adhere to the very latest Government advice.
The ‘new normal’ is going to be a learning curve for us and our customers, but we can assure you we are here to help and support. If you would like any further information, please contact us on 01179666761 or info@beshealthcare.net.