Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besrehab.net to speak to our specialist team
BES has been established for over two decades. During this time we have worked with healthcare professionals, been part of assessment processes, helped out with fittings on different wheelchairs, seen clients in situ and catered to their postural needs.
BES produces articles, and offers training programmes on clinical information including: solutions on head to toe positioning, tips and techniques for mounting wheelchair accessories, and much more.
These webinars are set up to be panel discussions amongst industry experts discussing topics relating to positioning, Pressure Care and Standards in Assistive Technology.
Personal Wheelchair Budgets are replacing the NHS Wheelchair Voucher Scheme, therefore BHTA has provided some advice to using and understanding your NHS Wheelchair Funding.
There are wide spread concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic will leave a “lost generation” in its wake, with many young people not having the employment opportunities that they would have otherwise had. Putting this pessimism to one side, BES Healthcare, a local business in Bristol has been doing its part to try and support young and promising people.
The Coronavirus pandemic has seen a lot of organisations struggle to support their customers or operate at full capacity. BES Healthcare has not only been fully operational, but has also had the chance to support schools and charities with free equipment during these tough times.
This is the fourth article in a series which aims to start getting people thinking more about what goes into a cushion that makes it ‘good’ for one person, but maybe not for another.
The Medical Devices Regulation (MDR), which comes into effect this May, places responsibilities on anyone working in any way with Medical Devices.
Dear Customer,
BES Healthcare Ltd would like to keep you informed of our infection prevention policy to help fight the Covid-19 outbreak.
A British Standard, BS 8625 [2], has been produced which specifies requirements for the selection, placement, and fixation of flexible postural support devices.
We know the importance of correct positioning whilst seated.
However we often see very little thought given to the role that standing should play in these 24 hours, especially for those with mobility challenges.
We have recently changed the way we sell Bodypoint Steel Slides and Tri-end Fittings. Please click to view our full announcement on this change.
BES Rehab Ltd has been established for over two decades and offers the best-in-class equipment washers that can help you save costs, deliver effi ciency, and safeguard your staff, improving your service.
What can BES offer you?
Washers that use chemicals instead of heat not only prevent equipment from heat damage but also deliver huge cost savings from low energy usage and reduced water consumption.
There are many other benefits to chemical equipment washers in comparison to thermal.
We have made a full guide on what measures BES Healthcare will take to protect our customers and staff.
This is the third article in a series which aims to help people to think more about what it is that goes into a cushion that makes it ‘good’ for one person, but maybe not for another.
This is the second article in a series which aims to start getting people thinking more about
what goes into a cushion that makes it ‘good’ for one person, but not for another.
Dear Customer,
This article seeks to inform you about BES Healthcare Ltd’s policy and position on COVID-19, and its potential impact on our ability to serve you
In seating we spend much of our time around the pelvis and its stabilisation. This is important
Alongside our world-class products, we at BES Healthcare Ltd strive to deliver superior service, and to help achieve this we offer our customers.
For normal everyday functionality, the position of our head is critical – for breathing, eating, hearing, balance, seeing, communication, etc, so why is this article looking at the position of the feet?
You may see in a manufacturer’s literature that their product (e.g. a head rest) has been ‘Crash Tested’.
Our language tells us a lot about how we see the world. Use the wrong term, and we risk ending up using some equipment inappropriately – we also get sloppy using colloquial terminology without thinking about whether the words we use are communicating the right image to the listener or reader.
To show the many options and possibilities of the Breezi high chairs, we present 5 different ways the Breezi chair can be customised and configured.
Varyflex is a versatile, easily adjustable stander that provides stability and support for children who need assistance with standing.
BES offers training programmes on clinical information, solutions on head to toe positioning, tips and techniques for mounting wheelchair accessories, and much more.
We're in the process of clearing out our stock of Leggero Buggies and are selling to both retailers and private individuals.
Personal Budget is a sum of money your local council will pay towards your care and support needs. If you are eligible for help with any social care and support needs, you can request for a personal budget assessment from your local council.
Pressure care equipment (mattresses and cushions) has been tested for years using furniture flammability test standards.
This article aims to start getting people thinking more about what goes into a cushion that makes it ‘good’ for one person, but not for another.
We would like to invite you to take part in our Postural Management Training Event, taking place on the week of 13th-16th January 2020
Pressure mapping is a technology that has been in use for more than 30 years, and over that time the technology has evolved so that now it is as easy to use routinely as measuring blood pressure.
For the ideal seating set up, all joints should be at 90 degrees, just like in the text books, or should they? The answer is: “Usually No”.
On the 17th January 2019, Roch Mangenot from Rupiani came from Rupiani’s office in France to the beautiful surroundings of Leigh Court, Bristol, to present the Weely wheelchair range to Weely dealers from around the UK.
BES Healthcare partners with Rehawash, german-based decontamination specialists.
The BHTA guide to prevention and cash releasing savings.
In the UK, around 400,000 individuals develop a new Pressure Ulcer annually.
The revolutionary ExoFlex hand rehabilitation device is currently on display at the internationally renowned Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS), Australia.
In this article we look at what a seating system should provide, and give a guide to specific clinical challenges and seating solutions.
BES Rehab Ltd has raised £100,000 for the purpose of reaching directly the families of those affected by dementia and learning difficulties in the UK.
Pressure washing of dirty equipment creates contaminated aerosols which are a major health risk to your staff. Equipment washers such as the AquaPhase and RehaWash use chemicals that are formulated to remove difficult soils.