Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besrehab.net to speak to our specialist team
Stealth Adductors and Knee blocks are used when clients have a high tendency to abduct or adduct. These help keep the legs in position.
Adductors are similar to stealth laterals but are used for lower body positioning and support. They help keep the legs and thigh region in position and act as supports and rests for clients with muscle weakness. Adductors are available in swing awat versions with a release button. The swing away allows for easy transfers. Adductors are made from strong and durable metal which is simple to mount. They are avaiable in Nino and Adult sizes, and have a choice of gel or standard pads.
Knee blocks from Stealth are sleek and a discreet version of the adductors. They do not have a swing away mechanism and are meant for clients who require a gentle block at the knee to prevent them from abducting. Knee blocks are available with either a track mount or a tube mount that nicely fits around the tubing of a wheelchair.
To order, Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@bescorporate.net
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