Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besrehab.net to speak to our specialist team
Become a smooth operator with Stealth's i-Drive
iDrive is the most advanced powered wheelchair controls system in the world. The i-Drive can be configured in conjunction with any secondary support device allowing YOU to take SMOOTH control of your powered wheelchair. What makes the i-Drive advanced is the technology engineered into it as well as its compatibility with a wide range of positioning and secondary supports.
What makes the i-Drive unique?
The i-Drive kit gives you the ability to assess individuals multiple times in their existing seating system without the need for a powerchair.
This means you can gain a true assessment of an individual’s functional ability as they can focus on operating the switches rather than struggle with an unfamiliar seating system.
The Powerchair Assessment Game Changer
The i-Drive assessment kit combined with the Loonz game has revolutionised the powered wheelchair control assessment and prescription process, ensuring better outcomes.
The i-Drive in combination with the Loonz game ensures individuals are comfortable with power controls, helping to build confidence within the user. It can also help build confidence in parents who may be nervous about their child operating a heavy powerchair.
To order, Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@bescorporate.net