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Boditrak and FSA, from Vista Medical, are brands at the forefront of pressure mapping technology and have helped wheelchair riders and clinicians better understand tissue protection better for over twenty years.
Their product developments have meant that pressure mapping systems that were previously bulky, heavy and complicated to operate are now lighter, more streamlined and user-friendly.
The new Smart Fabric Boditrak mats do not have an interface module box like other pressure mapping systems, significantly lowering the transportation weight of the system. The sensor-mats are durable, breathable and can be cleaned using regular disinfectants. The original modular FSA system is still available, and has a multitude of application options, including prosthetic assessment, shear force assessment, and more.
Results can be displayed through any average PC or android tablet with a USB connection, or wirelessly with an additional wireless adaptor. This means that mapping results can be stored, shared, and shown, easily and efficiently. Boditrak and FSA pressure mapping systems are designed to save you time, money and effort through easy interpretation of results through the Boditrak/FSA software and easy cleaning with regular products.