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Savings & Efficiencies

Savings come from staff time available, reusability of equipment, staff health, reduced water consumption, reduced chemical costs, less customer concerns and complaints.

 Case Study 1

An East Midlands store: Savings in Year 1 were £42000 due to time released from manual washing allowing the technician time to refurbish equipment that otherwise was being scrapped. The savings were employed in buying a second washer.

Case Study 2

A SE London store: Savings in the time for putting on and taking off safety clothing used for previous pressure washing meant that the one technician was able to answer phone calls immediately, and operate the AquaPhase as well. As he said at the time: “Don’t tell my boss, but with the AquaPhase I now have all my tasks finished in half the day!”

Case Study 3

A store in the NE: Savings on the cost of bringing in a temp from time to time because the cleaning technician using a pressure hose kept on having infections picked up from the contaminated aerosols being blown off the
contaminated equipment.

Case Study 4

A store in the South: halving the water bill from the reduced amount of water needed to wash a full load with a pressure hose as compared with the amount of water used in an AquaPhase cycle, and reduced chemical costs per load.




If you would like to purchase an AquaPhase, receive a site survey, or find out more about how BES can help you, contact us on or call 01179 666 761

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Ukas management systems