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A wheelchair cushion has many jobs to do and roles to play.
The three main criteria that a cushion should meet are tissue integrity, posture and functionality. For anyone who has to spend extended time on a cushion, it is important that the cushion caters to problems of tissue damage due to shear, friction, and microclimate. A cushion also needs to prevent pressure ulcers caused by a badly positioned pelvis and pressure build-up on bony prominences.
To maintain a good posture, and to be able to achieve day to day activities it is important that a cushion is stable and supportive. A cushion needs primarily to give protection to the tissues and to provide for good long term posture, but also needs to be functional. It is important that a cushion is lightweight, comfortable, low maintenance, easy to clean, and durable to say the least.
If you are considering a cushion, you need to make sure it meets the above criteria. To help you select the right one, we have assessed our cushions on the basis of tissue integrity, posture, and functionality, and their related key factors.