Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besrehab.net to speak to our specialist team
The i2i offers a complete head and neck positioning solution, providing effective support for keeping the head midline and preventing it from falling forwards or back.
For those with a great deal of extensor tone, but poor head control, the i2i provides lateral and posterior support, so that when individuals begin to extend their necks they will be gently invited back into a midline position. The sub-occipital and integrated low profile occipital components of the i2i provide posterior support and set a limit to cervical extension, while also offering a resting spot.
Individuals with poor head control can have trouble interacting with people who are out of their eye line; the i2i counteracts this by gently positioning the head so that users can see straight ahead. Other individuals may experience difficulty chewing and swallowing due to their poor head control and often find this becomes much easier with an i2i head support.
The i2i helps with these issues and therefore increases the quality of life for the individual, who is then able to see the world eye-to-eye.
To order, Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@bescorporate.net
Fill out the Quote/Order Form and send it to us on info@bescorporate.net
Order CodesAligns the head to midline
The height can weigh 6kg or more, and needs considerable muscular support from the neck to keep it in place. For individuals with poor neck strength, it can be a challenge to hold the head in position all day. The i2i supports the neck to keep the head in midline, without the user having to exert their energy, allowing them to concentrate on daily activities.
Supports Interaction, Drinking and Eating
Interaction is easier with the i2i, as the midline position allows for a greater range of head movement and field of vision, making it easier for the user to become involved in the world around them.
The i2i can benefit individuals who find it difficult to eat and drink due to the position of their head. With the head in midline, it becomes easier to the user to chew and swallow effectively.
Encourages Neck Strengthening
The chin prompt is an optional addition to the i2i, and is designed to 'prompt' the chin to stay up in individuals with low tone. This encourages the individual to use their neck muscles, and over time the chin prompt can be moved further up until the user can support their head more easily.
The chin prompt is completely safe and does not present a choking hazard, as it slides down the arms of the i2i when too much pressure is exerted.
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To order standard spare covers for Chin Prompts add 'C' to the end of your code, and 'VMT' for spare meal time covers.
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Mounting Hardware
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